jwma's Architecture - Overview
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jwma is a living example of the JSP Model 2 architecture. It utilizes this server side Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which is based on the idea of seperating logic and presentation, for a server side mail client implementation.
Basically it works as follows:
The browser sends a request to the controller (e.g. Servlet), which instantiates or controls the related model instances and redirects to the view (e.g. JSP, Template) related to the request (see Figure 1). Thus the elements can be described as:

A good and more in depth introduction to this architectural approach can be found in a JavaWorld published article: "Understanding JavaServer Pages Model 2 architecture".

Figure 1: JSP Model 2 Architecture

To achieve a real seperation, the view (JSP or templates) should only use accessor methods to retrieve data from the model for presentation. jwma's model is specially designed to provide such a "view designer's perspective", allowing to design (rather then program) views without complex embedded application logic.
The following links point to more in depth documentation of the three main architectural elements:

Additional architectural elements of jwma are the kernel and the plugins. These are described in the "Other Elements" document.

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