jwma Configuration - configuration.xml Specification
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General Remarks

With this release we have switched from the old properties based configuration file to a new XML based configuration. The documentation of the old file can still be accessed here. Below you can find a specification of the configuration.xml file. jwma comes with an annotated configuration file which you can find here:

The new configuration has been "simplified" in two steps:
  1. Parameters which were unlikely to change during run-time have been moved to compile-time configuration files.
  2. The remaining parameters where used as a base to create a new configuration object model.
Due to the latter, you will probably find the API documentation of the related classes (package dtw.webmail.util.config) helpful. For the moment Castor XML is used to map between the object model and it's persistent form, thus the configuration can be edited as a relatively simply structured XML file.

Starting with version 0.99-1, this file has been annotated in greater details, with alternative options present, but commented out. The file itself is a good and quick guide to some of the changes that can be made.

Accounts related settings

Are contained in the class JwmaConfiguration. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
auto-create-account (NT) (true|false) True if jwma should create a jwma user account automatically, false otherwise. This does not affect in any form the existance of an account on the IMAPD. true


i18n settings

Are represented by the class Internationalization. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
system-language (NT) The language that will be used by the system (logs for example). en
view-languages (NT) A comma seperated list of available view languages. en,es,de
default-view-language (NT) The default language to be used for the view (should be part of the list given as view languages). en


Postoffice settings

The new configuration allows to configure an arbitrary number of post office for each site. The parameter which decides if these are presented to the user as selection is contained in the class JwmaConfiguration. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
postofficeallowoverride (NT) (true|false) True if the postoffice host can be selected at login time, false otherwise. false


Each configured post office will result in a corresponding instance of the PostOffice class. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
name (P) The name identifying this postoffice.  
type (P) (plain|mixed) The type of postoffice you are using, i.e. defines if mixed mode folders exist in the store. Mixed folders are folders that can hold messages and subfolders at once.
For more information, see the IMAP related document.
secure (P) (true|false) Use a secure connection to the postoffice service. false
protocol (NT) Protocol of the post office host.Only IMAP is supported at the moment. imap
address (NT) Address of the postoffice host (IP address or DNS name). localhost
port (NT) Port the postoffice service is listening to. -1 translates to the default IMAP port 143. For using IMAPS (IMAP over SSL) the port should be 993. -1
rootfolder (NT) his should be used to configure a standard prefix for the mail folder.
Basically this is useful for UW imapd's, where the store is actually
equal to the users home directory. When left empty, the root folder will
automatically be the default folder of the store. In case the folder does
not exist, the root folder will be automatically set to the default folder
of the store.

  <postoffice name="Secondary PostOffice" type="plain" secure="false">

Mail transport settings

Are represented by the class MailTransportAgent. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
name (P) The name identifying the MTA.  
authenticated (P) (true|false) Authenticatin is required for sending messages via this MTA. false
secure (P) (true|false) Use a secure connection to the MTA. false
protocol (NT) Protocol of the mail transport host. Only SMTP is supported at the moment. smtp
address (NT)

Name of the mail transport service host.
(localhost is translated to the primary dns name)

port (NT)

Port of the mail transport agent service.

transport-limit (NT) Maximum size of a message to be send via this MTA (in kB). 2048

  <mta name="Default MTA" authenticated="false" secure="false">

Message Processing configuration

Are contained in the class JwmaConfiguration. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
default-message-processor (NT)

This configures the default message processor used for plaintext messages. This has to be defined in the jtextproc configuration.



Plugin configuration

Are contained in the class JwmaConfiguration. The related tags and properties are:

Properties (P) | Nested Tags (NT) Description Default
preferencespersistence-plugin The fully qualified name of the class file that implements the PerferencePersistencePlugin interface. dtw.webmail.plugin.std.CastorXMLPreferences
contactmanagement-plugin The fully qualified name of the class file that implements the ContactManagementPlugin interface. dtw.webmail.plugin.std.CastorXMLContactManagement
randomappend-plugin The fully qualified name of the class file that implements the RandomAppendPlugin interface.  


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